A wind of change is sweeping across the corporate landscape – new competitive pressures from every point of the globe are dramatically redefining the model for successful business. The suddenness of these changes has left many companies poorly positioned to compete effectively. In a frantic effort to restore a competitive edge, companies are embracing a wide range of change methodologies. But these approaches have been proven ineffective in achieving sustained performance improvements over an extended period. The reason is understood to be that most of these techniques are implemented without any significant changes to the underlying processes and people systems.
The emerging approach to look at and handle the problems of organizations is that of an ‘organic system’ where everything is related to everything else. This view is radically different from the traditional ‘mechanistic model’ where we believe that companies are merely the sum of their parts, and if the business is performing poorly, we need only to replace a part, and the problem will be resolved. This is a short-term, reactive, ‘reductionist’ or ‘component’ approach.
Management in a complex system requires that the whole organism be taken into account. We now know that effective management must be holistic – it must address the entire organism and not just a small part of it. Here at Premier University we have given due attention to this fact while designing our business programs. We want to give educational chivalry to managers so that students can provide leadership to modern enterprise and society in a best possible way than before.
The Faculty of Business Studies is the biggest program offering entity of the university in terms of the number of student enrollment. Currently the faculty has one department named as the Department of Business Administration. The faculty runs its operations in a spacious eight storied building with more than fifty rooms. The building is self-sufficient to facilitate students with its equipped classrooms, Wi-Fi connection, computer labs, seminar library (with around 6,000 books), cafeteria, and a large modern auditorium. Around 7,500 students have graduated from this faculty so far. 53 full-time faculty members and a number of part-time faculty members are engaged in teaching in this large faculty.
প্রিমিয়ার বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, চট্টগ্রাম এর বাংলাদেশ অ্যাক্রেডিটেশন কাউন্সিলে অ্যাক্রে ... ... ...
Thursday, 30 May, 2024
আজ ২০ জানুয়ারি শনিবার গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকারের মাননীয় শিক্ষামন্ত্রী ও প্র ... ... ...
Saturday, 20 January, 2024
বোর্ড অব ট্রাস্টিজ এর সম্মানিত চেয়ারম্যান ব্যারিস্টার মহিবুল হাসান চৌধুরী পূনরায় ... ... ...
Sunday, 7 January, 2024
তড়িৎ প্রকৌশল বিভাগের উদ্যোগে ‘বাবর আলীর এভারেস্ট জয়ের গল্প’ শীর্ষক অনুষ্ঠানের আয় ... ... ...
Monday, 3 June, 2024
প্রিমিয়ার ইউনিভার্সিটি আন্তঃবিভাগ ফুটবল টুর্নামেন্টের ফাইনাল খেলা ও সমাপনী
Wednesday, 15 May, 2024
প্রিমিয়ার ইউনিভার্সিটির গণিত বিভাগে আন্তর্জাতিক গণিত দিবস ২০২৪ উদযাপন
Thursday, 14 March, 2024